Composite Decking Eco Friendly

What makes composite decking eco-friendly?

Composite decking has become a substantial feature in gardens over the last decade. It transforms the look of your garden and can hide that ugly dead patch of grass you can’t bring back to life…

You’re helping the environment in your own back yard!

Since our decking is 60% responsibly resourced wood and 40% reclaimed polyethylene plastics, the economically efficient properties are more than desirable in our current eco-friendly era.

We ensure that our products maintain minimal waste through the combination of recycled materials. Following the provided installation manual, we guarantee that any product left over can be used for steps or composite planters. Minimal waste means less strain on the trees used!

Do you feel like you have done your part for the environment?

Your global footprint can actually be reduced with our composite decking. If everyone in the world… Okay, Lets be practical… If everyone in your neighbourhood invested in Composite Decking, imagine how better off the world could be! It’s a start right?

Transitional Landscape

Are you now wondering what your carbon foot print is like? Click Here to find out

Let’s strive to keep up with a sustainable and prosperous future!



Photo by Todd Haiman Landscape Design – Look for landscape design inspiration


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